Food & Beverages

We Proudly Serve Starbucks®

Condor serves premium drinks from We Proudly Serve Starbucks® on almost all short-haul and medium-haul flights. In addition to coffee and tea, we also offer hot chocolate – for a true coffee house feeling above the clouds.

» Please be aware that at present, only cashless payments are accepted on board. «

Our Starbucks® hot drinks

We now treat passengers on board of almost all our short-haul and medium-haul flights to full-bodied Starbucks® Premium Instant Medium Roast coffee. This coffee shines the spotlight on top-quality arabica beans from Latin America with a slightly creamy note of chocolate and nuts.

Tea-lovers can also look forward to trying our Teavana Starbucks® Tea. Be it English Breakfast, China Green or Harmonic Mint, we offer a variety of flavours to satisfy all taste buds.

An additional highlight: the creamy and chocolatey Starbucks® Hot Chocolate and the legendary Starbucks® Caramel Waffle.
Take a look at our food and drinks menu now and get a foretaste of our new We Proudly Serve Starbucks® range available on board.

Coffee Cup with Coffee, a Starbucks Asset laying in front of it.

Snacks & drinks

Our food and drinks menu not only features our new range of  Starbucks® coffee, tea and hot chocolate but also offers you a selection of other delicious snacks and drinks.