Cheap flights to Gran Canaria from € 40.99*

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Top sights in Spain

weather Gran Canaria

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Welcome to Spain

From urban bustle to countrside tranquility or from soaring mountains to secluded beaches, Spain has it covered. With so much beauty, culture and history it's hard to know where to start when exploring Spain. Try booking a flight to Gran Canaria to see all the unspoilt local flora and fauna of Gran Canaria. A cheap flight to other islands like Ibiza and Mallorca may appeal to those looking for more vibrant night life.

After a flight to Gran Canaria, you really have something special waiting in store for you. This island boasts such a diverse range of climates and landscapes that it has often been described as a micro content. Whether you crave sunsoaked beaches or densely wooded forests, you can find in on Gran Canaria. Cheap flights to the island make the perfect holiday choice for nature lovers and adventurists.

Flight facts

Since it is situated closer to Africa than to mainland Europe, flights to Gran Canaria tend to be a little bit longer. For example, a flight to Gran Canaria from central and Western German airports, such as Frankfurt and Stuttgart, have an average five hour flight time. Gran Canaria is well worth the trip. Come discover this unspoilt wonder by booking a flight with Condor.

Although the island generally sees the most tourism in the summer months, a flight to Gran Canaria can be booked for both the on- and off-season. Thanks to its diverse number of climate zones, every part of the island has its season in the sun, so to speak. A cheap flight to Gran Canaria is a great choice for couples, families or singles looking to be inspired by its natural beauty.
