Affordable one-way flights to Bremen

Unfortunately, we currently don’t offer any flights to Bremen. But how about a cheap flight to a similar dream destination?

Top attractions in Bremen

weather Bremen

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Flight to Bremen

Condor makes it easier to reach Bremen, a city of musicians, beer and bonhomie. Bremen has the honour of having two monuments that were declared Unesco World Heritage sites: the old town hall and the statue of Roland, the protector of Bremen who would take care of it and maintain its condition as a free Hanseatic city.

In addition to its legendary musicians, the local brewing tradition and its perfect transport connections, the proximity of the airport to the city centre make Bremen a fascinating destination.

Flight facts

Once you are in Bremen you can choose different ways to reach the city centre. The cheapest one is to take the tram.

For an affordable price you can be in the city centre in just 10 minutes and in 15 minutes, in the central rail station. If, on the other hand, you want to arrive directly to the door of your hotel you can always take a taxi.
